CRA Working Groups

  • Each Working  Group will have several members
  • Each of the Working Groups will act as a resource for the CRA Committee, providing information and advice when necessary
  • Each Working Group will provide a brief report on their activities and concerns for the general CRA Committee each month.
  • An up-date from each Working Group will appear in the CRA Newsflash each quarter.
  • Working Groups will meet whenever they choose, will decide upon any CRA action required, and will generally keep the membership abreast of developments through contact with the CRA Committee
  • Working Groups will obviously have ready access to the Convenor or any other CRA Committee member by telephone or email.
  • If they wish to do so Working Group members can attend monthly CRA meetings in order to share information or call for action.
  • Time commitment will be up to each of the Working Groups to work out for themselves.

Forward Planning

Parkland and Streetscapes


Traffic, Transport and Parking