
The Carlton Residents Association is a democratic, non-party political body.
Its purpose is to act as an advocate for the residents of Carlton (defined by postcode 3053)
and those who wish to preserve all that is good about Carlton.

CRA represents your views at community level, and to government.



Register for the CRA e-Newsletter on the JOIN page

Quick Links to Working Groups

Planning:  and   Heritage:

Current News: 

Meet the Lord Mayoral Candidates

Tuesday 15 October

6.30pm for 7pm

Science Gallery

Melbourne Connect

Cnr. Swanston and Grattan Streets

Sponsored by Carlton Inc, Carlton Residents Association and

Engagement & Partnerships, University of Melbourne


This is a free event

More details here

To register go to the top right hand side of the page


Click BOOK under Lord Mayoral Forum

Enter your name and email address




The Agenda for Carlton

The CRA committee met for a planning workshop in July

The recent survey provided valuable input to the discussion and the outcomes.

Please follow the link below to read the Committee’s priorities

for the future planning of CRA

CRA Agenda for Carlton 2024 2025

Your comments are valued




Access the survey results here


Join CRA for 2024 –

follow this link to the Join Page


CRA AGM, reporting on 2023, was held

Monday, February 19 2024

at ‘The Studio’ Melbourne Connect

Read the reports here


People’s Panel on Affordable Housing –

Recommendations accepted by City of Melbourne – March 2024

Find a copy of the report and a summary of the recommendations on the Community News page.


Carlton Conversations March 2024:

Peter Elliott AM – architect spoke at this event

Watch this space for news of the next


Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show (MIFGS)

To be or not to be?

Read the following submissions here.

Read the submission, January 2024, to the Lord Mayor and Councillors, from Margaret O’Brien:
Impact of the MIFGS 2024 Event in the REB and Carlton Gardens

Read the CRA proposal, February 2024, to the Lord Mayor and Councillors:
To conduct a review of the use of the Carlton Gardens as the venue and to consider a City based alternative venue.


The CRA Mobility Policy 2023 – read it here


Carlton Heritage Review:

CRA has made several submissions to this review. The most recent in April 2023.

Access this information on the Heritage Page


The new public toilet in Faraday Street is open!

The ribbon was officially cut by CRA President, Trish O’Loughlin, on 1 September with Lord Mayor Sally Capp and Councillor Davydd Griffiths in attendance.

Read more here




City of Melbourne Budget – what does it mean for Carlton?

Read the Budget here.   Read the Carlton page here


Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens
World Heritage Environs Area News.

For more information visit the Carlton Gardens page or the Heritage page


Other information:

Addressing Planning issues that may affect you!

Historically CRA has facilitated objections to inappropriate development with the aim of preserving the heritage and liveability of Carlton…….But……CRA no longer has the resources to monitor and action objections to all such proposals. …….However, the need to do so, remains and is, of utmost importance if we are to successfully retain these values. Access further details here.


Another important and favourable decision by VCAT

A big step towards the preservation of Carlton heritage

1-23 Rathdowne Street – VCAT determination, 22 November 2023
In application P1498/2022 the decision of the responsible authority is
so:  In planning permit application TP-2022-245 no permit is granted
Access the VCAT determination on the planning page

16-22 Drummond Street –  VCAT determination, 30 September 2019
In planning permit application TP-2018-892, no
permit is granted.
Access the VCAT  determination on the planning page


16-22 Drummond Street


Heritage – Visit the Heritage Page


Demolition of Carlton Inn/Corkman Irish Pub

From thisCRA is outraged at the reprehensible act of urban vandalism at this site.

There are now new plans for a building on the site.

Read the CRA submission and background information the CRA Heritage page

For more information visit the National Trust site at:




Events and Meetings

Committee meetings 2024

6:00 pm
Committee meetings 2024
Upcoming Dates:
6:00 pm
Passed Dates:
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Committee meetings 2024
Regular (Free)
Single Cost
Total Cost
Booking Event ...
Thank you for reserving a spot. We looking forward to seeing you!
