Heritage Policy Review Newsflash

Carlton Residents Association
January 2016 

 Heritage Policy Review and Local Heritage Significance
Community Engagement Concludes on the 14th February 2016

 The outcome of this Review could have a major impact on your home
or street – your input is vital

 There are over 1500 graded properties in Carlton, too many for the CRA Planning Group to review alone. If you have never thought much about heritage before, this is your opportunity. To determine how the proposed changes may affect your immediate environs, we suggest that you check the following.

  1. Examine the map to identify the Carlton Precinct H01 A copy of this map may be found at http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/186324/melbourne05ho.pdf (see also extract from this map below)
  2. Read the Statement of Significance for the Carlton Precinct to identify any shortcomings with or omissions from the Statement. (Access the document HERE or in the Document Library at http://participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au/local-heritage)
  3. Check the inclusions and the appropriateness of the proposed property and streetscape gradings in your locality by referring to the Draft Heritage Inventory (Access the document HERE or in the Document Library at http://participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au/local-heritage)

If you have a policy bent, you could review how effective the revised policies would be, if a five, eight or fifteen level development was proposed near you. If the revised policy does not provide helpful guidance, we can be sure that the CRA will have problems down the track. (The Heritage Policy for places outside the Capital City Zone is the one that applies to those parts of Carlton east of Swanston (Access the document HERE or in the Document Library at http://participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au/local-heritage)

Most of the key documents, including those linked above, can be found on the Participate Melbourne website. This is also where both groups and individuals may leave comments, which we encourage you to do. http://participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au/local-heritage

We cannot emphasise enough that this is one review that should not be left to the small CRA Planning Group alone; this Group has insufficient resources to identify all of the omissions and or inadequacies, of the proposed changes. We need your assistance if we are to do this exercise justice.

Yours sincerely

Warren Green, Convenor of the Planning Group

Ewan Ogilvy, Member of the Planning Group

Extract from the Heritage Overlay Map for Carlton

HO1 map